[PixelExit] Flat Awesome +

XF2 Style [PixelExit] Flat Awesome + 2.2.14

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Change log​

This update fixes a few minor bugs. You should be running XenForo 2.2.14 first before installing this update.
This update fixes a few minor bugs and includes the updated iOS PWA functionality along with some well-needed google-friendly fixes (from XenForo). You should be running XenForo 2.2.13 first before installing this update.
This update simply fixes a few minor bugs and addresses the outdated template that is appearing on the latest version of XF (2.2.9).

Templates changed:

  • Added logo alignment option: Style properties -> Header and navigation (Left aligned/Always centered/Centered on navigation collapse)
  • Added option to hide node icons
  • Welcome notice main heading + sub-heading are now controlled by the font size Style properties -> Notices -> Welcome notice
  • Boxed page layout fixed for mobile
  • Share button colors in footer fixed
  • "Connect with us" social block fixed in mobile (was being hidden before)
  • Added footer logo height/width properties (Style properties -> Footer)
  • Added new font weight @xf-fontWeightMedium (Style properties -> Typography)
  • Brand new design mode, should be much easier to use and also brings back the node icon CSS which shows the exact CSS you can use to change the icon on that node
  • Removed category footer property + CSS. This can be easily done with basic CSS if you choose to do so.
  • Side navigation now moves to the right side when sidebar is set to the left
  • Switched to using cdn services for backstretch and our new design mode
  • Welcome notice now checks if board is active
  • Welcome notice reduces font on mobile
  • Prefix spacing in menu's corrected
  • Horizontal Question and Answer format fixed
  • Category view dual column node fixed
  • Mobile custom footer spacing
This update simply fixes a few minor bugs and addresses the two outdated templates that are appearing on the latest version of XF (2.2.6).

Templates changed:
message_macros (XF updates)
node_list_category (PE updates)
post_macros (XF updates)
xb.less (PE updates)

  • Optimized a background image (welcome notices) that shipped in the folder with all styles saving a ton of space! Took XenBase archive from 1.2 megs down to 140kb!
  • Changed child div's of the H2 for forum categories into spans for valid HTML
  • Prefix + user banner CSS formatting to avoid LESS compilation issues
  • Adjusted editor styling to inherit more from the style properties and not rely on our CSS
  • Changed CTA to use a contrasted color from the background rather than relying on the normal button color
Style specific changes
  • Bolt
    • Adjusted some of the colors around the style so they're not hard-coded
    • Optimized header image to reduce the archive size
    • Prefix hover style caused a bug
    • Sidebar icons are no longer floating to the right. You can add this to your extra.less if you want the float to come back:

      .p-body-sidebar .block .block-minorHeader:before, .p-body-sideNavContent .block .block-minorHeader:before
  • Omni
    • Removed a large unused image from the style folder to reduce the archive size
  • Fusion Gamer
    • Optimized some of the included images to reduce the archive size
  • Edge
    • Removed old notice images that were no longer used to reduce the archive size
  • Nova
    • Optimized some of the included images to reduce the archive size
  • Like
Reactions: BattleKing
  • New option to enable the icons inside the action bar. Previously, these were always on with no ability to disable them (Style properties -> Messages ->Message action bar icons )
  • Message links across multiple areas have been adjusted. Areas such as the resources and other plugins would not inherit from Style properties -> Messages -> Message links
  • Footer logo placement will now work in blocks 2-5
  • Block footer text color is legible now when used in the custom footer
  • Social icons in the footer now show in mobile
  • Share icon is no longer hidden in mobile when set to circular now
IMPORTANT: Canvas layout logo will now respect the dimensions set under Style properties -> Basic options. If you use Canvas, you made need to adjust your width/height settings here.
This brings our styles up-to-date with XenForo 2.2.3.

  • Added aria-label to the style switcher and sidebar collapse icons for accessibility
  • Editor links will inherit the CSS from Style properties -> Messages -> Message Links
  • Contrast adjustments on every style to help with Web Accessibility
  • RSS Icon in footer styling adjusted to help with Web Accessibility
  • Our custom node icon CSS will only be used if an icon is filled out under Style properties -> Node/forum list
  • Footer container no longer inherits borders / box-shadows by default
  • Search location in sub-navigation fixed when there are no sub-nav links
  • Editor popup/hover buttons corrected
This is a minor version that fixes a few bugs and brings our styles up-to-date with XenForo 2.2.1. You should be running XenForo 2.2.1 before upgrading to this version. For the full announcement and upgrade instructions
Initial beta release to support the brand new XenForo 2.2 Beta 1 release. This is not meant to run in production and should be used for testing purposes only.