[OzzModz] TMDb TV Thread Starter for XenForo 2.x

xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] TMDb TV Thread Starter for XenForo 2.x 2.2.1 Patch Level 1

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  • Fixed: Error when TV title was longer than 50 characters, exceeding the XF node character limit.
TMDb TV Thread Starter for XenForo 2.1 Update 2
  • Fixed a typo in the snog_tv_show template that would cause issues with the poster image showing if you choose the option Poster on the right.
Fixed an issue that would throw an error if the first image was not retrievable.
  • ErrorException: [E_WARNING] Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in src/addons/Snog/TV/XF/Admin/Controller/Forum.php at line 41
  • ErrorException: [E_NOTICE] Undefined index: genres src/addons/Snog/TV/XF/Admin/Controller/Forum.php:41
  • ErrorException: [E_NOTICE] Undefined variable: codeata src/addons/Snog/TV/XF/Admin/Controller/Forum.php:37
Fixed: A possible SQL injection in the unlikely event theTMDB doesn't clean data before entering it in their database. Thanks to @TickTackk for the report.
An update to the TV Thread Starter for XenForo 2.x has been released. Those that have purchased this add-on, please log into your account on my site to download this update.
  • Fix - Rating stars not showing in thread list with UiX style
  • Fix - Unable to edit TV show with UiX style
WARNING: DO NOT INSTALL THIS UPDATE ON XENFORO 2.0.x. XenForo 2.0.x is no longer supported with this update.