[OzzModz] TMDb TV Thread Starter for XenForo 2.x

xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] TMDb TV Thread Starter for XenForo 2.x 2.2.1 Patch Level 1

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2.2.1 Patch Level 1:
Fix: typo in "structured_text" template function
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Reactions: BattleKing
2.2.0 Release Candidate 13:
  • Added style property to change "check for new poster" button position
  • Added style property to change episode image size
  • Added button to check backdrop for updates (Covers add-on integration)
  • Added search results template replacement for TV post (disabled by default)
  • Fix: disable logging moderator action for TV cover rebuild job
  • Fix: avoid adding covers to approval queue on rebuild/auto update
  • Fix: avoid undefined index errors on adding TV with invalid TMDb URL
  • Like
Reactions: BattleKing
2.2.0 Release Candidate 10:
  • Fix: cast & crew data insert query
  • Fix: cache country phrases
  • Fix: profile watch region ignored if global set
Now That Ive got your attention:
This is a beta release, take a full backup before installing on a production site. Optimally try it out on a test site that is a replication of your live site before installing on the live site. It has had limited testing.

2.2.0 Beta 6:

This is a beta release, take a full backup before installing on a production site.

  • General code refactor
  • Minimal XF version changed to 2.2
  • [BREAKING] Add-on was integrated with ForumType and ThreadType system (XF2.2+):
    • "TV thread forums" add-on option was removed (all previously selected forums in this option will be automatically converted to "TMDb TV forum" type)
    • "Allow mixed content" option was deleted (now can be used "General discussion" forum type with "TMDb TV threads" type)
    • "Enable manual updates" options was deleted, now users with access to change thread type
  • Improved performance for crosslink creation (now applies asynchronously with XF:Job)
  • Added detailed cast and crew display with person data (name, avatar, character/job)
  • Added tab with more videos
  • Added option to replace template for search results to display detailed TV info
  • Fixed broken rating for individual TV shows forums
  • Added TV/TV forum ratings rebuild tool
  • Added Google structured data to support rich result for "TMDb TV forum" forum type
  • Cached user TV thread count to optimize user criteria
  • Added thread list sorting by TV season and episode number
  • Added option to change poster file sizes
  • General code refactor
  • Performance optimizations
  • Fixed broken 'TV show title' and 'Cast' forum filters
  • [BREAKING] Replaced season sort option (now is drop-down list)
  • Added search result image
  • Reduced query amount on movie adding
  • Properly escape LIKE query value for search filters
Fixed: Error: Call to undefined method XFMG\XF\Pub\Controller\Thread::getNewPostsReply() in src/addons/Snog/TV/XF/Pub/Controller/Thread.php at line 221
Please take a backup before installing this version, that way if something goes wrong you can restore to a working point!!!

Should be good to go with XF 2.2 Only thing you need to do is turn off the polls in the node(s) under the setting "Allowed thread types" for the movie forums.
Fixed: Error when creating seasons and TV title was longer than 50 characters, exceeding the XF node character limit.