The next phpvms version built on the laravel framework. work in progress. The latest documentation, with installation instructions is available on the phpVMS documentation page.
A full distribution, with all of the composer dependencies, is available below.
- PHP 8.1+, extensions:
- cURL
- fileinfo
- mbstring
- openssl
- pdo
- tokenizer
- bcmath
- intl
- Database:
- MySQL 5.7+ (or MySQL variant, including MariaDB and Percona)
// View more details on requirements
1. Upload to your server
1. Visit the site, and follow the link to the installer View installation details
Development Environment with Docker
A full development environment can be brought up using Docker Laravel Sail without having to install composer/npm locally
Then go to `localhost`.
Instead of repeatedly typing vendor/bin/sail to execute Sail commands, you may wish to configure a shell alias that allows you to execute Sail's commands more easily:
Then you can execute php, artisan, composer, npm, etc. commands using the sail prefix:
Building JS/CSS assets
Yarn is required, run:
This will build all of the assets according to the webpack file.
The next phpvms version built on the laravel framework. work in progress. The latest documentation, with installation instructions is available on the phpVMS documentation page.
A full distribution, with all of the composer dependencies, is available below.
- PHP 8.1+, extensions:
- cURL
- fileinfo
- mbstring
- openssl
- pdo
- tokenizer
- bcmath
- intl
- Database:
- MySQL 5.7+ (or MySQL variant, including MariaDB and Percona)
// View more details on requirements
1. Upload to your server
1. Visit the site, and follow the link to the installer View installation details
Development Environment with Docker
A full development environment can be brought up using Docker Laravel Sail without having to install composer/npm locally
make docker-test
# **OR** with docker directly
docker run --rm \
-u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
-v "$(pwd):/var/www/html" \
-w /var/www/html \
laravelsail/php82-composer:latest \
composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
# Then you can start sail
./vendor/bin/sail up
Then go to `localhost`.
Instead of repeatedly typing vendor/bin/sail to execute Sail commands, you may wish to configure a shell alias that allows you to execute Sail's commands more easily:
alias sail='[ -f sail ] && sh sail || sh vendor/bin/sail'
Then you can execute php, artisan, composer, npm, etc. commands using the sail prefix:
# PHP commands within Laravel Sail...
sail php --version
# Artisan commands within Laravel Sail...
sail artisan about
# Composer commands within Laravel Sail...
sail composer install
# NPM commands within Laravel Sail...
sail npm run dev
Building JS/CSS assets
Yarn is required, run:
make build-assets
This will build all of the assets according to the webpack file.