We'll give you a nice animation effect with your mouse on the avatar. Simply paste the following css codes into the extra.less template of your theme.
/*avatar animation*/
.message-avatar-wrapper .avatar:before,
.message-avatar-wrapper .avatar:after{
border-color: #00c5de;
3 Widget side-by-side where you want to show the responsive way is enough to use the following codes.
1- Defining an "HTML Widget"/admin.php?widgets/ , We choose "Forum List: Above Nodes" as the position to obtain the image above, and add the following code to the Template section.
Customize default XenForo cookie notice or make it floating.
Demo on our site for floating cookie notice.
for settings check Appearance > Style properties > [cXF] Cookie Notice
< screens >
< examples >
You can color the social share buttons, which are gray in Xenforo 2.
add an extra.less template;
.shareButtons-button.shareButtons-button--facebook {
background-color: #3B5998;
.shareButtons-button.shareButtons-button--twitter {
background-color: #1DA1F3;
The simplest way to provide users with the ability to collapse nodes that they do not care about. Their choice is saved so when they refresh the page or visit your site, the closed nodes will remain closed.
This fix supports the default style, no third-party styles will receive support. Also...
First, open the "widget_members_online" template and find the following code;
<ul class="listInline listInline--comma">
Replace with the following code;
<ul class="listHeap">
Then find this code immediately below;
<xf:username user="$user" rich="true" class="{{ !$user.visible ...
UI.X 2
Based off the tried-and-true methodologies of its XenForo 1 predecessor, UI.X continues to push the boundaries of intelligent design. With a basis in Google’s Material Design, the framework is backed by a team well-versed in the XenForo software making UI.X a wise choice for any forum...