Thread Titles Manager

xF2 Add-on Thread Titles Manager 1.0.1 Patch Level 2

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Simple fix for the DivisionByZeroError problem reported
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Reactions: Boomre
Duplicate thread title lookup now again uses title instead of thread id.

Also if only 1 thread is returned after delete/merge, redirect user to the duplicates list.
Possibility to put a redirect URL when deleting a thread.. Useful when you don't want to merge, and want to get search engine to pick up the "correct one" faster.


  • Thread Titles Manager 1670166434736.png
    Thread Titles Manager 1670166434736.png
    44.7 KB · Views: 158
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Reactions: roniex
  • Fixed bug where forums using utf8mb3 encoding couldn't install it (only those on utf8mb4 could)
  • Long thread titles are now broken like as follows:
    this is a long title blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah... is the rest of the text
More features / Improvements
  • Thread listings changes:
    • Title is broken into multiple lines when longer than max, to better indicate where the "limit" is for the person doing cleaning
      • Under title also shows: Author, create date, forum, last post username and date
    • Statistics column:
      • Reply count
      • View count
      • Thread age (in days)
      • Views per day..
        • This can be useful to know which thread is more popular over time..
    • 3 action buttons
      • Preview first post of thread (quickly gives more context for e.g. short thread title view)
      • Edit thread
      • Delete thread
  • Option changes:
    • Default minimum set to 10
    • Forum limiting
Fixed pagination for "Too long titles" & "Too short titles" pages.
Added "Duplicated Threads Details" page.
changed rout names so they don't violate
moved styles to styles
changed add-on name (or didn't, I'm not sure)
Added duplicated thread titles counts.
Modified template modification.
Added anti oops protection in repository.
Changed options/option group names.
Added "Duplicated Titles" submenu that lists threads with title duplicates. (but it's in an embryonic stage).