[TH] Donate

xF2 Add-on [TH] Donate Version 1.1.9

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Version 1.1.9​

XF 2.2.16 View class compatibility fix
Adds permission to control viewing other users' donation stats
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Reactions: BattleKing

Version 1.1.8 Patch Level 3​

XF 2.2.16 View class compatibility fix
Option to only require captcha for guests

Version 1.1.8 Patch Level 2​

Fixes issue with cached campaign comment count getting out of sync
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Reactions: BattleKing

Version 1.1.8 Patch Level 1​

Fixes outdated donation privacy template modification

Remove orphaned donations with deleted campaigns from being shown on the site.​

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Reactions: iboibo and pindick
Fixes an issue with campaign donation messages not parsing BBCode
Fixes an issue when reacting to donations
Includes a minor performance improvement for campaign widgets
  • Fixed a bug where anonymous donations would display in search results
  • Fixed an error with donation activity in the "What's new" tab
  • Fixed a bug with viewing campaigns when the "View inactive campaigns" permission is enabled
  • Fixed the Donations and Milestones links not being visible in the ACP on mobile
  • Fixed a bug with the alert for deleted donation comments
  • Improved the comments editor to not show the full editor until it is clicked into
  • Added the ability to hide the overall campaign total
  • Added the ability to bookmark campaigns and donations
  • Ensured compatibility with XenForo 2.2
  • Added missing alert and new comment templates
  • Added missing phrases
  • Adjusted campaign page layout
  • Added additional database indices for improved performance on large boards
  • Added missing alert template for moderator comment edits.
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Reactions: iboibo and hero