SparkPost Mail Transport for XF 2.2

xF2 Add-on SparkPost Mail Transport for XF 2.2 2.1.4

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Minor update - adjust some sanity checking to try and avoid API errors from SparkPost
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Reactions: BattleKing
  • add composer dependency of "symfony/translation": "^5.0" (used by nesbot/carbon) to avoid installing v6.0 which breaks compatibility with older versions installed by other addons
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Reactions: BattleKing
* bugfix: strip uri prefix returned in uri from paged responses

I suspect this is actually a bug in the Sparkpost API provided by the vendor - but I would need to do further tests to verify this. Either way, I've coded a workaround which should hopefully work.

NOTE: this release is identical to the previous version uploaded. I accidentally entered the wrong version number (v2.2.1) into resource manager when uploading the previous version - but the download is actually v2.1.1. If you have already downloaded v2.1.1 you do not need to download this version.
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Reactions: BattleKing
  • required parameter specified after optional parameter in SubContainer/SparkPost::logJobProgress - reorder function parameters to make this more usable
  • required parameter specified after optional parameter in Test/AbstractTest::message - just make them both required
  • explicitly list "egulias/email-validator": "^2.0" as a requirement so that we don't run into problems with the version shipped with XenForo
Important: if you also run my CLI JobRunner addon - you must update that to the new v2.1.0 release before updating this addon (or as soon as you can after updating this one).