Showcase Filter by AddonsLab

xF2 Add-on Showcase Filter by AddonsLab 2.4.3

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Question: What the steps to follow immediately after installation to make sure the existing data is available for search?


1. Admin -> Setup -> Enhanced search -> Optimize (only if using Enhanced Search)

2. Tools -> Rebuild Caches -> Rebuild Showcase Fields - indexation of all existing showcase fields into a separate MySQL table

3. Tools -> Rebuild Caches -> Rebuild search index - select Custom showcase fields as content type and rebuild.

4. Admin -> Forums -> Custom showcase fields -> [Edit a field] - check Allow Filter checkbox if you want the field to be shown in filters.

5. Admin -> Forums -> Nodes [Edit a node] - setup the fields to be shown in showcase list directly under "Show in Item List".

Check product description for more details about features available in the product.