Download SEOPress Pro v3.9.0 - Seo WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v3.9 = 20/08/2020
NEWFree Elementor integration (first iteration) ?
NEWAutomatically set the image Alt text from target keywords if empty (this setting is retroactive, no need to resave your post content)
NEWHide SEOPress columns in post list (SEO, Titles and metas, Single post types, Click to hide any SEO metaboxes / columns for this post type)
NEWWhite label options: change plugin name, description, author and website url in plugins list for both SEOPress and SEOPress PRO (PRO)
NEWAdd quick edit feature for Redirection post type (PRO)
NEWNotification to automatically generate meta description with Divi, Oxygen, Enfold (Avia Layout), WP Bakery
NEWNotification for Enfold theme if SEO settings are not correctly setup to avoid any SEO issue
NEW“seopress_sitemaps_index_lastmod” hook to disable lastmod column in the index sitemaps to get a huge performance boost with large amount of posts (1,5 seconds to load 1 million posts)
INFOOptimization of structured data in database for better performance
INFOWhite label improvements: “Remove SEOPress menu/submenu pages” option now also remove items from SEOPress dashboard page
INFO“seopress_get_pro_schemas_manual” hook as a fallback to display previous data before cleaning
INFOAdding new Google PageSpeed Insights KPI: Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) (SEO, PRO, PageSpeed Insights)
INFOGoogle PageSpeed Insights is now using the mobile index score
INFOAdd meta robots for Googlebot / Bingbot
INFOImport Yoast Primary Category with our import tool
INFOQuick buttons improvements to avoid empty spaces at the beginning of the fields
INFOAdd a second argument “taxonomy name” to “seopress_titles_custom_tax” hook to filter %%_ct_your_custom_taxonomy_slug%% dynamic variable
INFOAdd notice if “Override every og:image tag” option is enabled without a default OG image set from Social Networks settings
INFOImprove UI in schemas
INFOImprove UI when adding a new redirection
INFOImprove post list with all SEOPress columns
INFOAdd redirection settings from the SEO metabox to import / export metadata to a CSV file
FIXCompatibility issue with WP All Import for XML sitemaps
FIXContent analysis with special charaters in target keywords
FIX“term title” small button from SEO metabox for Terms
FIXBroken link checker error in post type list
FIXan issue on import tool from other plugins
FIX404 monitoring encoding issue with non UTF-8 charaters
FIX410/451 redirects from the SEO metabox (post editing screen)
NEW“Disable all automatic schemas for this post?” option from Structured Data Types metabox
NEW“Disable this automatic schema for this post?” option from Structured Data Types metabox
INFOResponsive design enhancements
INFOWhite label: Remove SEOPress logo in Wizard
INFOUpdate link to Rich Snippets Google testing tool
INFORemove hreflang tags from TranslatePress v2 if noindex
FIXOutbound links in Content Analysis
FIXcall_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class ‘SEOPRESS_CSV_Importers’ does not have a method ‘post_importer_compatibility’
FIXPHP comments in SEOPress submenu
FIXBreadcrumbs issue with WooCommerce
FIXImport tool for Configuration Wizard
FIX“Undefined variable: seopress_get_post_type” from /inc/admin/ajax.php line 127