SEO & Index Tools
Version: 1.0.6 Release Candidate 3
- Fixed a bug with DragonByte Usertagging which could cause an error "disallowed attribute for element" when validating AMP enabled pages
- Added further compatibility with the Usertagging addon with PHP handlers affecting the same functions
- Added further compatibility and fallbacks for AMPXF addon
- Fixed a bug which could cause "no default value for nl_seo_alt_text" when using XenAddons Showcase
- Added further compatibility with some XenAddons products
- Improved installers and upgrader scripts
- Added all placeholder labels for settings within the Admin-> SEO -> Webmaster Tools page
- Improved ordering of tag & script insertions from the Webmaster Tools settings, different tags will load in the head or footer as best suited
- Fixed a bug where the Facebook meta pixel tag would not be present in the page HTML
- Changed labeling for Facebook pixel to reflect the "Meta" parent company
- Added "open in new tab" attribute when opening various links from setting descriptions
- Added further compatibility with XFOptimize
- Clicking the "Missing description tags" icon in the Admin -> Forums node list will now go to the correct page
- Tweaked numerous setting descriptions for better clarity and explanation
- Added numerous new hard-coded labels to the phrasing system
- Further improved spacing and appearance of the SEO staffbar dropdown menu in various third-party themes
- Fixed several install errors when upgrading the addon from very old versions, which previously required upgrading the addon in several steps of releases
- Further testing for PHP8 with compatible addons
- Improved the recommendations system
- Missing meta fields are no longer counted in recommendations by default
- Counting missing meta fields is enabled by the setting via the Admin -> SEO -> Advanced Settings page
- The "Descriptions & meta fields" counters and Fix buttons are now split separately into description related issues and meta related issues
- Improved markup for DragonByte eCommerce product pages to be in line with Google's latest expectations and interpretation of Schema
This is a sizable bug fix and improvement update which addresses several user reported bugs and brings the addon close to public stable release. The addon has now been extensively tested on PHP8.x along with numerous third-party addons, including officially supported content-related addons (AMS, XFRM, etc).
The addon is considered stable on PHP8 with the exception of any user-reported issues regarding compatibility with other products.
In addition, the recommendations system has been tweaked to longer factor missing meta fields, and will display results separately for either missing description fields, or meta fields. The addon will automatically update recommendations after all upgrades to reflect new changes.
If you'd like to incorporate missing meta fields into your recommendations, you can do so by enabling the setting "Count missing meta fields as recommendations" via the Admin -> SEO -> Advanced Settings page.
The Webmaster Tools page now has more accurate descriptions with links to integrate the various services, such as Pinterest, Bing, Google Search Console, etc.
SEO & Index Tools
Version: 1.0.6 Release Candidate 2
- Fixed several user reported errors
- Further PHP8 compatibility tuning
- Added improved compatibility for /View/ class extensions when other addons extend those same classes
- Improved compatibility with several third-party styles regarding the breadcrumb
- Improved compatibility with DBTech Usertagging which could cause a bug when using AMPXF
- Added several compatibility improvements with AMPXF
- Improved uninstaller handling when using legacy versions of [XenAddons] Article Management System (<2.2.16)
- Fixed a bug which could cause an error "$queries first argument expected string" when upgrading from much earlier beta versions of the addon while using
- legacy versions of [XenAddons] Article Management System (<2.2.16)
- Improved various PHP handlers
- Fixed missing thumbnail image under "Useful articles" on the Admin -> SEO -> Links page
- Several small spelling & label errors in the backend
- Added numerous new phrasing over previous hard-coded labels
- The addon now uses minified JS files for production and unminified for development as expected
- Several minor improvements regarding the Extended Breadcrumb feature
- Additional compatibility improvements with Nulumia themes
- Rearranged several entries in the SEO staffbar dropdown for better organization, fixed missing icons in certain third-party themes, improved appearance
- Added new entry "Validate markup" to the SEO staffbar dropdown
SEO & Index Tools
Version: 1.0.6 Release Candidate
[OzzModz] SEO & Index Tools for XenForo 2.2+ Update 1.0.6 Beta 9
- Fixed several bugs which could occur when upgrading from much earlier versions of the addon
- Improved detection and handling of installer/upgrade scripts when connecting with supported content addons (XFMG, XFRM, AMS etc)
- Fixed a bug which could cause "Undefined variable: slug" in the server log
- Improved the post heading ID tag feature
- Improved various PHP handlers
- Further improved AMS legacy version migration
- Added a new "SEO" menu to the staff bar with various page checking tools (more to be added over time)
Version: 1.0.6 Beta 9
- Changed name, developer info and links to reflect OzzModz.
- Changed license to lifetime for new purchases.
- Changed price to $59.99
- Added numerous PHP 8.x compatibility tweaks
- Fixes several rare/small bugs which could occur with XenAddons AMS or UBS
- Moved more hard-coded labels into the phrase system
- Adjusted the admin overview page
- Added new feature to manually add Alt Text to attachments via the Admin -> Content -> Attachments list. Clicking on the "Alt text" column will show a popup to enter the value.
- Added an option to choose the priority whether to display alt text added via post BBCode, or manual alt text set in the backend first. Available via the Admin -> SEO -> Advanced settings page.
- Added a new Attachments grouping to the Admin -> SEO -> Advanced settings page
- Improved the auto-generate readable alt text from filenames function
- Added improved compatibility with latest XFOptimize functions
- Turned several template modifications into more accurate regex variations, improved execution order to prevent conflicts with other addons' template modifications
- Fixed an issue which could cause an error "Cannot call method getLinkTitleTag on a non-object" when using custom link title tags with XenPorta 2
- Fixed an outdated template modification which turns the XenPorta 2 categories widget into the default Xenforo category list appearance. The change will now correctly appear.
- SEO & Index Tools and XenPorta Improvements will now both share an improved method of fetching categories in XenPorta 2
- Added an option to include missing meta titles & descriptions in the Recommendations system (default: No). Since this option is recommended to be off, recommendations will be rebuilt on update and may result in a different total of recommendations seen in the admin page.
- Fixed missing phrases when using the Rebuild Caches for cleaning orphaned meta data
- Minor improvements to the recommendations system
Also includes these previous fixes/additions
Version: 1.0.6 Beta 8
Fixed a bug which would output errors on the admin widget edit page.
Version: 1.0.6 Beta 7
- Further improvements to PHP handlers
- Several minor PHP user reported bugs
- Minor spelling corrections
- Further phrasing integration
- Phrase cleanup
- Template optimization
- Removal of unnecessary extensions, event listeners
- Consolidation of CSS templates
- More efficient deployment of custom LESS within the admin area
- Improved handlers for unlinking usernames and avatars with other addons which affect these same functions
- Improved execution order of various extensions and listeners for greater compatibility with other systems
- New setting to enforce the title attribute for links, where the Xenforo Tooltip normally removes this attribute in favor of the Tooltip. It is now possible to have both at the same time
- New setting to allow anchor links (#section-name) within posts.
- New setting to automatically create anchor link-friendly slugs for post headings (H1, H2, H3 etc)
- Fixed several rare bugs where link title tags wouldn't be automatically added to certain front-end pages
Google Live Preview
- Fixed a rare bug where certain breadcrumb items would show twice
- Fixed a rare bug where the breadcrumb could flag a Schema validation error within Google Search Console
- Added support for the Extended Breadcrumb feature to XFMG categories
- The meta title, description and open graph fields will limit text input to the allowed length
Settings & Admin UI
- Substantial additions to the recommendations system
- Cached alerts for recommendations
- Added new notice to admin index
Addon related
- Grouped various settings which add features to the admin (meta indicators for node or category lists, etc) under new Admin heading on the SEO -> Advanced Options page
- All settings which are marked as "BETA" will now additionally be found under a new Beta Features heading at the SEO -> Advanced Options page
- Updated the option to remove the reactions link popup for guests. Now works correctly more newer versions of Xenforo
- Added new status icons for thread lists, indicating their index status and having custom meta tags. These will display next to other statuses such as Watched, Poll etc.
- Improved compatibility with [Nulumia] XFOptimize
- Improvements to AMS Dual-Mode system
- Improvements to AMS 2.2.17 importers and migration steps
- Fixed a bug related to custom meta entities for AMS <2.2.17 articles
- Improved compatibility with Xenforo Media Gallery
Addon related
- Further improvements to PHP handlers:
- Nulumia\SeoTools\XF\Service\Node\RebuildNestedSet
- Nulumia\SeoTools\XF\Entity\Node
- Improved compatibility with [Addonslab] Thread Filter
This release is a small update on top of the larger release earlier today. It includes several improvements including compatibility fixes with [AddonsLab] Thread Filters
User reported bugfixes | Addon compatibility | Nulumia theme compatibility
- Further improvements to PHP handlers
- Several minor PHP user reported bugs
- Compatibility with Nulumia pro themes regarding the Extended Breadcrumb
- Fixed deprecated code in several PHP class extensions(Thanks @PurplePixel)
- Nulumia\SeoTools\XF\Admin\Controller\AbstractNode.php
Nulumia\SeoTools\XF\Entity\AbstractNode.php- Removed bundled redundant IDE files from the addon package (Thanks @PurplePixel)
Branding & schema
- Compatibility with Nulumia pro themes when the Extended Breadcrumb is enabled. Existing feature in Nulumia themes will automatically be disabled
- Improved consistency of the Extended Breadcrumb feature
- Improved the main level breadcrumb feature to use fallback method for older versions of Xenforo. Can use more accurate currently selected nav tab code introduced in Xenforo 2.2.9
- Minor improvements to template modification regex
Addon related
- Regex improvement to the feature's template modification
- Now uses fallback code for template modification to be more accurate between Xenforo 2.2.9 and previous versions
- Improved compatibility with [Nulumia] XFOptimize
- Improved compatibility with [XON] Lazy Load Images
- Improved compatibility with [Nulumia] Cloudflare Image Resizing
- Fixed a bug in XenPorta where category meta fields would reset to blank after saving a XenPorta categopry
- Fixed a bug in XenPorta which could show "Unknown column or getter 'Category->title' when editing a XenPorta category (Thanks @swiftyste)
- Moved PHP handler for XenPorta categories to use updated methods applied to other supported addons in recent updates
- Added compatibility with more versions of XenPorta within the category class extension
- A related Meta entity will now be deleted when a category is saved and the meta title, description or Open Graph image fields are blank
This release aims to move closer to public stable release, addressing multiple user reported errors and suggestions. In addition, the addon now bundles extra compatibility with [Nulumia] XFOptimize and Cloudflare Image Resizing addons.
There are also multiple bug fixes and improvements with XenPorta compatibility.
Further user reported errors are still being worked on for next release.
Page Titles
- Improved phrasing, removed hard-coded labels, fixed some missing phrases
- Removed several legacy templates and template modifications
- Various PHP 8/8.1 compatibility improvements
- Greatly improved accuracy, and consistency of Template Modifications alongside numerous other addons that affect the same areas of templates
- Better ordering and priority of Template Modifications should now fix numerous failed modifications in certain themes and with other third party addons
- Fixed consistency issues in UIX theme
- Added compatibility with XFOptimize addon
- Optimizations to the addon Listener scripts
- Cleanup of unused properties, templates etc
- Optimization of CSS/Less templates
- Improved some page link tag occurrances
- Added a new feature to change the page title separator, available via the SEO -> Page Titles page
- "|" (default) or "-"
- Improved PHP handlers with greater optimization for the page title rewrite function
- The page title separator now respects when category titles are added before the title suffix
- Fixed several rare instances where the custom page titles would not appear on the front-end
- Improved handling of the Limit Page Title Characters feature
- Added PHP 8 enhancements
- Greater accuracy using the new page title separator feature
- The Page Title Separator and Limit Page Title Characters features are now totally independent and will fire for all pages as intended
Google Live Preview
- Fixed a bug where the current page breadcrumb element would break out of the container when enabling the Extended Breadcrumb feature
- Improved UI of the Extended Breadcrumb on mobile which prevented the user from navigating back to the parent category
- The current page is now hidden on mobile, and the parent category link restored when viewing from threads, resources, etc
- Fixed several rare server errors
Branding & schema
- Improvements to the Google live preview code
Addon related
- Optimization to the feature's template modifications to fix conflicts
- Various small code improvements for XenAddons compatibility
- Fixed several small bugs related to DragonByte eCommerce addons
- Fixed several rare server error reports relating to Xenforo Media Gallery
This is a bugfix update related to several compatibility fixes for Dragonbyte eCommerce. This update is not required if you do not use the eCommerce addon
Google Live Preview
- Added more phrasing
- Fixed a bug where the correct phrase for "Thread has at least X word count" would not appear when editing index criteria for forums/nodes
- Improved labeling in some admin pages
- Added further PHP 8/8.1 compatibility fixes
- The meta field handler system has been rewritten for more optimization
- Meta entities are only created when input is present for meta title, description or Open Graph image
- Clearing all three values will delete the related Meta entity automatically (previously a placeholder was held)
- Improved deletion handling when supported content types are permanently deleted:
- Soft-delete (Thread, resource etc): Meta is held in database
- Hard-delete: Meta is permanently deleted
- Improved descriptions of various settings
- Improved handling of the "Latest.." widget link option
- Can now change widgets to point from their What's New page to their main/overview page itself (Resource list, Articles list, etc) for the following widgets:
- Latest threads
- XFRM: New Resources
- XFMG: Media Slider
- DragonByte eCommerce: New Products
- AMS: Latest articles
- UBS: Latest blog entries
- UBS: Latest blogs
- UBS: Latest series
- Template Modification optimizations
- Removed several deprecated class extensions, templates etc
- Code improvements to handle currently/future third party content types where temporary entities are created, in order to use the Google Live Preview before saving the new content
Addon related
- The different option groups on the Admin -> SEO -> Index Management page are now collapsible
- The "Manage Indexing" popup when clicking the index status icon for supported front-end content has been improved:
- When 'Inherit' is selected, you can now see inherited index method taken from its parent category
- Will display the name of the parent category
- Will display a link to edit category
- When 'Inherit' is selected and the parent category is set to 'Deny', the 'Always allow' or 'Block' settings are disabled.
- The index status and "Manage Indexing" popup are now available on Page node pages
- Improved various compatibility functions for XenAddons AMS
- The SEO fields are now available when adding a media item in XFMG
You must select "Overwrite files during install/upgrade" when upgrading to this version.
This is a bugfix update which brings further testing and compatibility with PHP 8/8.1, Xenforo 2.2.9, along with feature improvements. PHP 8 improvement is part of the goal reaching public stable release.
Meta system
Meta entities (objects in the database to hold meta data) are now much more optimized, with automatic deletion and placeholders depending on whether supported content types are soft or permanently deleted.
Clearing meta fields in the Google Live Preview will now accurately delete associated meta objects if they are present.
This was also a key task before public stable release.
Manage Index popup
This popup has been improved, when clicking on the index status icon for supported content. You can now preview the inherited index method and the name of the parent category, to better understand why your content is showing a red or green index symbol. This is a first step in creating a more useful popup. This popup will be migrated to a more comprehensive "Manage SEO" panel in future releases. This is also a step in reaching public stable release.
Branding & schema
- Improved phrasing, removed hard-coded labels, fixed some missing phrases
- Fixed several navigation links in admin SEO pages
- Added detection and removal of several legacy columns if a user had installed a very early alpha phase edition
- Several sitemap handler tweaks
- Fixed a bug where navigation section or style ID overrides would not apply on child nodes. The addon will now rebuild these settings upon upgrade.
- Added more options and tweaks to the Enhanced Schema system
- Added new "Extended Breadcrumb" feature (Currently available via Admin -> SEO -> Advanced settings
- Applied to the following sections
- Forums, nodes, threads
- Help pages
- Member pages
- Supported addons & content types
- Adds a root level breadcrumb item such as Home -> Forums, Home -> Articles etc
Branding & schema
- Improved phrasing, removed hard-coded labels, fixed some missing phrases
- Fixed several navigation links in admin SEO pages
- Added detection and removal of several legacy columns if a user had installed a very early alpha phase edition
- Several sitemap handler tweaks
- Fixed a bug where navigation section or style ID overrides would not apply on child nodes. The addon will now rebuild these settings upon upgrade.
- Added more options and tweaks to the Enhanced Schema system
You must select "Overwrite files during install/upgrade" when upgrading to this version.
- Added new "Extended Breadcrumb" feature (Currently available via Admin -> SEO -> Advanced settings
- Applied to the following sections
- Forums, nodes, threads
- Help pages
- Member pages
- Supported addons & content types
- Adds a root level breadcrumb item such as Home -> Forums, Home -> Articles etc
This update adds further bugfixes and improvements to the new Schema system. In addition, a brand new feature, Extended Breadcrumb system has been implemented, which will continue to receive improvements.
New Extended Breadcrumb
Natively in Xenforo, breadcrumbs neither accurately reflect the current path of the page (in some instances), nor show the currently viewed item, be it a thread or article.
This not only causes a schema and structural mismatch for search crawlers, it also is not good user navigation experience.
The new Extended Breadcrumb feature (available at Admin -> SEO -> Advanced Options overhauls the Xenforo breadcrumb to address these issues. With the feature enabled, your breadcrumb will function with the following examples
Forum list
Old: Home
New: Home -> Forum list
Old: Home
New: Home -> Store
Old: Home -> Forums
New: Home -> Forums -> Category Name
Old: Home --> Forums -> Category Name
New: Home -> Forums -> Category Name --> Thread Name (trimmed 40char)
AMS Series (list/series item)
Old: Home --> Articles
New: Home -> Articles -> Series/list --> Series Item (trimmed 40char)
This new system has been applied to all supported addons & content types - from resources and resource categories, AMS, UBS, XenPorta, and even shop and help pages. To reduce overhead, native implementation in either Xenforo or addons are augmented where available, and added custom when not.
Not only will this feature produce a sensible breadcrumb path for better user navigation, but this also supplies a more accurate breadcrumb link schema for search engines. More of Xenforo and supported addons will be scanned with a fine tooth comb for even more breadcrumb tweaks in further updates.