[OzzModz/Banxix] Bump Thread

xF2 Add-on [OzzModz/Banxix] Bump Thread 2.1.2 Patch Level 1

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2.1.2 Patch Level 1:
  • Fix: do not bump the date of the first thread post if there is an invisible post after it to avoid moving the post during rebuilding and, consequently, changing the TS (can be enabled in options at your own risk)
  • Fix: rebuild forum latest post information on thread bump (can be disabled in options)
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Reactions: BattleKing
  • Added bump button in thread list
  • Added button in thread tools menu (can be enabled in options)
  • Added ability to disallow bumping for specific threads (from moderator tools menu)

This update was sponsored by @Moshe1010
  • Now depends on Standard Library by Xon (v1.8.0+)
  • Refactor: standarize XF class extensions & declaration of schema properties
  • Added missing filterbar sort phrase
Added: Ability to have the bump thread button above the first post and in the quick reply.
  • In older versions, users can bump thread immediately after the thread is posted regardless of permissions. This version adds new setting to disable the old behavior.
  • Bumped threads sorting will respect new thread's post date. That means new threads may come first in forum's thread list if they are more recent.
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Reactions: steris 55
- Change sorting behavior from 1.0.3. Added new setting to apply Default Sort Order as Bumped Threads to selected forums.

- "Tme limit between each bump" permission uses XF permission system and it received the biggest number amongst all usergroups permissions. This verion added a setting to reverse the process and getting the shortest time-limit to benefit higher usergroups (shorter time is better).
Please note that you need to set the permissions for each node, this feature will not work for category permissions. You may use Permission Analyzer to get exact number.

Thanks @Joe Link for donating this version.
Added a Bumped Threads filter in Forum filters.

Thanks @hacmieu for funding this feature.


  • banxix-bump-thread.png
    15.5 KB · Views: 284
Accidentally found a bug on my forum that occurred when viewing user profile.
It was a silent bug and it did not trigger an error response to user. However logged in Server error logs.