[EAE Add-ons] Thread Count

xF2 Add-on [EAE Add-ons] Thread Count 1.2.3

No permission to download
  • removed unwanted space between the word Threads and the colon (:) in eae_tc_member_list_macros_insert template and eae_tc_visitor_panel_insert template, that was introduced in a previous release
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Reactions: BattleKing
added the option to use an fa-icon in lieu of the phrase thread for the visitor panel, profile page, message user info block (post bit) and member list page. This should have been added a while ago, better late than never.

Thanks to @Faust for bringing this to my attention.


  • options.png
    27.2 KB · Views: 231
Changed the Minimum number of threads to reply permission behaviour (and renamed it to Minimum number of threads to reply to threads by others), as it originally prevented members from replying to their own threads, if their thread count was below the threshold.

Bug fixes
  • moving a moderated thread to a forum that does not increase a members message count would result in decreasing the members thread count. Fixed
  • moving a moderated thread from a forum that does not increase a members message count to one that does would result in increasing the members thread count by 1. Fixed
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Reactions: dark_night