Compatible XF Versions
2.1, 2.2
Visible Branding
Additional Requirements
PHP 7.2+
By purchasing this add-on you also agree that EAE Addons, and the author will not be held responsible for any lost/deleted conversations.

This add-on allows admins with the proper permission to view and delete user conversations and batch prune conversations within the administrator control panel. This add-on is useful in a number of ways: to better understand a reported conversation message as you can follow the flow of the conversation, find old in-active conversations that are just taking up space, or to find and remove spam conversations, to name a few.

See all updates for new added features, and screen shots.

Options->Admin control panel:
  • Change view attachment browser link
AdminCP->Content->EAE Conversation tools:
  • Find conversations
  • Prune conversations
Administrator permission:

- EAE Manage conversations

  • Can set the attachment browser to use the conversation browser when viewing an attachment with the content type conversation message. This setting is ignored if the viewing administrator does not have EAE Manage conversations permission
  • Paginated, set to fetch 20 conversations per page and 20 conversation messages per page
  • Find conversations by username or title. When by username you can select started by, or all conversations
  • From the find conversations page you can delete a conversation or selected conversations (a confirmation pop-up will appear). Click the conversation title to view the conversation
  • BBCode is supported when viewing conversations
  • When viewing conversations, attachments are served through the Admin CP. A lightbox is used to view images when applicable, otherwise viewing an image works the same as the attachment browser
  • You can also use the Conversation tools to prune conversations with no replies after x days, or when last reply was x days ago. Before you can actually prune conversations, a count is returned first to show the number of conversations you are about to permanently delete
  • You may include moderators and administrators conversations when pruning. The default is set to exclude their conversations. If you choose to include moderator conversations, administrators that are also moderators will be excluded
  • Pruning is handled by a job runner. You can hit cancel while pruning, but be warned that you may end up deleting a large amount of conversations if you decide to change your mind
When pruning conversations you may want to set the days to a high number and get the count before proceeding. The default is set to 365 days. Note that this add-on has the potential to delete all conversations depending on your settings. Deleted conversations can only be restored from a back-up, so back-up your database first.


- All begin with eae_cvstt_

Screen shots:
  • conversation_browser.png
    111.4 KB · Views: 297
  • conversation_delete.png
    54.6 KB · Views: 291
  • conversation_option.png
    22.8 KB · Views: 268
  • conversation_prune_lastreplydate.png
    49.1 KB · Views: 271
  • conversation_prune_noreplies.png
    50.2 KB · Views: 270
  • conversation_prune_now.png
    61.1 KB · Views: 274
  • conversation_starter.png
    50.5 KB · Views: 248
  • conversation_title.png
    55 KB · Views: 272
  • conversation_view.png
    52.6 KB · Views: 243
  • conversations_pruned.png
    56.5 KB · Views: 310
Last update
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. PHP 8.0.X compatibility update

    updated the order of arguments sent to the removeBccRecips method to be compatible with PHP 8.0+
  2. Compatibility update

    If you have @Xon's Conversation Essentials installed and the option Prevent conversation...
  3. Compatibility changes

    Compatibility update for @Xon's Conversation Essentials add-on. Thank you, Xon, :)