New** Show template modification type in breadcrumb
New** Ability to exclude files and directories using exclude_files and exclude_directories respectively via build.json (#25)
New** Add to release archive
New** Class extensions will now have common classes already imported
New** Allow creating multiple phrases via the add phrase page (#27)
New** Automatically fill code event listener callback class and method based on selected event and add-on and create listener file / method as required (#28)
Changed** Entity class extensions created via CLI command will now have XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure class aliased to EntityStructure
Changed** Provided scripts now have .sh extension
Changed** Developer options group will now only be shown in debug mode
Changed** CLI commands have more consistent aliases
Changed** Changed execution order for all listeners
Changed** Increased minimum XenForo version requirement to 2.1.6 PL 1 (#30)
Fixed** Template modification test failing
Fixed** "View modifications" failing for templates
Fixed** Path for addon.json is not shown when invalid add-on id is provided for class extension CLI command (#26)
Removed** Dead class extension and phrases
Removed** Removed PHPUnit integration which was borderline useless