[cv6] Dice Roller

xF2 Add-on [cv6] Dice Roller 2.4.0 Release Candidate

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Where do I find sample import files?

They are located in the folder /src/addons/cv6/DiceRoller/import or you can download a ZIP File here.

Can I chage the layout on a per die base?

Yes,. At every die a class is added which you can use for style them more invidually.
The class you need is die-tag--yourtag.
E.G. if you wan to have the plus sign on a Fate die in a bigger font use this in your extra.css:
.bbCodeBlock--diceroll .bbCodeBlock--dice .bbCodeBlock--roll .die.die-tag--fate {
    padding-top: 0;
    font-size: 70px;