AndyB View map

xF2 Add-on AndyB View map 1.9

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Compatible XF Versions
2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
Creates a button called View map for use in messages.

Clicking the View map button will show a Google map with a marker to a specific location.

(Example of View map button)

(Example of View map page)

(Example of View map link in visitors tab)

(Example of Options page)

  1. Large easy to use Google map displayed full screen.
  2. Responsive code supports all devices.
  3. Visitors tab has a link called View map, this allows viewing the Google map.
  4. View map button when clicked shows exact location in Google map.
  5. All phrases start with viewmap_ for your convenience.
  1. Download and unzip it.
  2. Copy the src/addons/Andy/ViewMap directory to your server.
  3. From the Admin Control Panel Install the add-on.
Setup step 1:

Copy the following two files from the add-on directory to a web viewable directory of your choice, for example a /misc/ folder:


Setup step 2:

Edit the viewmap.php file and change the first few variables to reflect your forum information.

Setup step 3:

Get your Google API key using this link:

Update the viewmap.php file variable called $key located on the top of the file.

Setup step 4:

In the Options page, add the URL and Default coordinates.

Setup step 5:

Navigate to the following:

Admin control panel -> Content -> Custom BB codes -> map

Edit the HTML replacement so that it's pointing to the viewmap.php file located in your /misc/ folder.

How to create a View map button in a message:
  1. Under the Visitors tab, click the View map link.
  2. Move map to desired location.
  3. Copy the Map code at the bottom and paste it into a message.

    Example of map code:
How the View map button works:
  1. Member clicks View map button.
  2. The View map button is a Custom BB Code.
  3. the Custom BB code calls a link which is defined as a Route.
  4. The Route calls the Viewmap.php file located in the add-on directory.
  5. The Viewmap.php redirects to viewmap.php in the /misc/ directory.
  6. The viewmap.php file calls the Google API to display a map.
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. See description

    View map v1.9 changes: Compatible XF 2.x versions: 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
  2. See description

    View map v1.8 changes: View map bbcode now also works in conversation messages.
  3. See description

    View map v1.7 changes: Improved map display for smaller screens. Updated Information page.