Register email v4.1 changes: Fixed issue where region was empty, but had valid city and country.
Register email v4.0 changes: Added Timezone to email.
Register email v3.9 changes: Fixed issue with (Trying to get property 'field_value' of non-object) error.
Register email v3.8 changes: Added code to prevent server error log when IP address not found in xf_ip table
Register email v3.7 changes: Fixed issue with Location determined by IP.
Register email v3.5 changes: Fixed issue with whatismyipaddress link not showing if ipstack access key is not entered.
Register email v3.4 changes: Fixed issue with custom user field title.
Register email v3.3 changes: Added code to prevent server error log if country information is missing during lookup
Register email v3.2 changes: Added location entered to email if Required location is enabled.
Register email v3.1 changes: Removed no longer used PHP code.