AndyB Insert attachment

xF2 Add-on AndyB Insert attachment 2.3

No permission to download
Insert attachment v2.3 changes:

Updated Options page.
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Reactions: BattleKing
Insert attachment v2.2 changes:

Now supports video attachments.
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Reactions: BattleKing
Insert attachment v2.1 changes:

Fixed issue with thumbnail insert.
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Reactions: BattleKing
Insert attachment v2.0 changes:

Fixed issue if alt reference contains a closing bracket.
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Reactions: BattleKing
Insert attachment v1.8 changes:

Now works with XF 2.2 and newer.
Insert attachment v1.7 changes:

Fixed issue where empty variable caused server error.
Insert attachment v1.6 changes:

Now works with XF v2.0 and v2.1.