AndyB Convert image all

xF2 Add-on AndyB Convert image all 5.3

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Compatible XF Versions
2.0, 2.1, 2.2
Visible Branding

Converts all hot linked images to attachments.

The Convert image all add-on will convert hot linked images in messages to attachments. Hot linked images are those images that have been inserted using the Image icon in the editor toolbar.

(Example of hot linked image)

(Example of attachment)

  • Images resizing is done with ImageMagick for best quality.
  • Images resized to maximum width and height settings in Admin Control Panel.
  • Setting for inserting full-size or thumbnail attachments.
  • Setting for temporary image path.
  • Setting for optional log file.
  • Links surrounding attachments automatically removed.

This add-on requires ImageMagick PECL extension to be enabled. Make sure the following is checked:

Admin control panel -> Setup -> Options -> Attachments -> Default Image Processor -> ImageMagick PECL extension

If you're not able to select ImageMagick PECL extension, contact your web host and ask them to install it.

Maximum attachment image dimensions

Although the screenshot below says you can use 0 or blank, this add-on requires you to use a positive value for the Maximum attachment image dimensions settings. I suggest using 1600 x 1600.

Admin control panel -> Setup -> Options -> Attachments -> Maximum attachment image dimensions

(Example of Options page)

(Example of User group permissions)

  1. Download and unzip it.
  2. Copy the src/addons/Andy/ConvertImageAll directory to your server.
  3. From the Admin Control Panel Install the add-on.
Directory preparation:

Create a directory in your web root called /misc/ and set permissions to 0755.

How to use:

In your browser add 'convertimageall' to your forum URL.

Question and Answers:

Q: Some hot linked image are not converted, why is this?
A: If a hot linked image is either too small or too large, or the dimensions are not able to be read, those images are not converted and will require manual conversion.

Q: Why isn't GD supported?
A: GD does a terrible job of creating large images.

Q: Can files in the /tmp/ directory be deleted?
A: Yes.

Q: Are attachments reused, meaning if the same attachment is located in several posts does each one use up disk space?
A: Each attachment is saved separately, however this is not a problem these days as disk space is so inexpensive.

Q: I'm getting a server error when trying to convert an animated gif.
A: Increase the PHP max_execution_time. you need at least 90 seconds.

Q: Does this add-on convert hot linked images in other areas besides posts?
A: No.
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. See description

    Convert image all v5.3 changes: Attachment tables xf_attachment and xf_attachment_data are now...
  2. See description

    Convert image all v5.2 changes: Fixed issue when multiple IMG tags were on the same line.
  3. See description

    Convert image all v5.0 changes: Now retains IMG bbcode options.