AndyB Auto forum watch

xF2 Add-on AndyB Auto forum watch 1.5

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Compatible XF Versions
2.0, 2.1

Auto forum watch in selected forums.

This add-on is designed to be used on forums which have less than a few hundred members.

(Example of Options page)

  • New members are automatically added to selected forums.
  • Members will receive an email for each new message in forums selected in the options page.
  • Member can Unwatch a forum at any time.
  1. Download and unzip it.
  2. Copy the src/addons/Andy/AutoForumWatch directory to your server.
  3. From the Admin Control Panel Install the add-on.
Update feature:

If you already have members before installing this add-on, you might like to update those members by using the "update" feature. This feature is intended to be used on newer forums where it will be okay to delete all existing forum watch settings and set all members to watch those specific forums selected in the options page. To use the update feature add the following to your forum URL:


You must be an admin to use the update feature.

Questions and Answers:

Q: Can a member Unwatch a forum?
A: Yes. This add-on uses the Watch/Unwatch function of XenForo.

Q: Is the "Receive news and update emails" in Preferences honored?
A: Yes.

Q: Is an email sent for each new message?
A: No. It will send an email notifying a thread has a new message, but the member will need to visit the thread in order to see any additional messages that have been added.

Q: When a new user registers, when will they updated?
A: The Cron entries runs every 10 minutes.
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. See description

    Auto forum watch v1.5 changes: Fixed variable name in PHP file. Reference...
  2. See description

    Auto forum watch v1.4 changes: Fixed errors found in the PHP file which caused server error...
  3. See description

    Auto forum watch v1.3 changes: Now using finder for performing database queries.