ACP Extended (ACPE2)

xF1 Add-on ACP Extended (ACPE2) 1.9.2

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Compatible XF Versions
1.4, 1.5
This Add-On features numerous enhancements for XenForo and especially the ACP, and which improve many security-relatedfunctions, the security of your XenForo.

The following functions provides you the ACP Extended (please look at the images - more on

ACP -> Home:
  • Current XF version in the header *1
  • Info bar for a new version of by XenForo, XF Resource Manager and XF Media Gallery *1
  • Number of Error Logs
  • Info-bar if the admin.php file is not protected
  • Hosting-Info-Box
  • Server Info-Box
  • CHMOD Info-Box for important files
  • Switch debug mode on / off (Debug Mode in the front visible to admins!)
  • XenForo database size
  • Statistics Attachments:
    • Attachment Records
    • Attachment Downloads
    • Attachment Disc Usage
  • Spider/Bots management including blocking
ACP -> Options:
  • List of options sortable
  • Options reorder by ABC
  • Export/Import current settings (DebugMode must be switched on)
ACP -> Firewall:
  • Allow access to AdminCP from specific IPs.
  • Send E-Mail: all fails eg Wrong password/Unknow User, wrong IP
ACP -> Add-ons:
  • Categorize Add-Ons
  • List of add-ons sortable
  • List by active and inactive add-ons
  • Note for Add-Ons - Displayed during update / deinstallation
ACP -> Error Logs:
  • Error grouped by error types
  • Printable full screen view
  • Error message BCCode formatted, copy into the clipboard
  • Clear Logs
ACP -> ACP Logins Log:
  • Log all Login attempts
ACP -> Tools:
  • PHP Info page linked
  • DB Tools:
  • DB Tables Overview
  • ·DB SQL-Querys execute (area is password protected)
ACP -> User:
  • Extensive import export of the users Support XML/CSV
  • Delete Account -> with (all selectable individually)
    • Threads
    • Posts
    • Profile Posts
    • Profile Comments
    • XenForo Media Gallery
    • XenForo Resource Manager
  • Ability to block more e-mail addresses at once
  • With Import/Export function
  • IP deny by .htaccess
ACP -> Phrases:
  • Phrases - Filter by Add-On / Type
ACP -> Template:
  • With Template favorites function
  • Templates/ Admin Templates - Filter by Add-On
  • Collapsed for more clarity
ACP -> User Group Permissions:
  • Collapsed for more clarity
ACP -> Applications:
  • "Who voted?"
  • Show soft delete Threads
  • Show soft delete Posts
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