
  1. WinSys32

    xF2 Add-on XFDutch - Verified Badge 1.0.0

    Hi All, This is my first self made addon! Please let em know if you have any feedback! Description: This addon shows a verified badge sign next to the username
  2. L

    Xenforo 2.1 [XP] Verification Badge 2.1.5

    Request for: Add-on description: Using this add-on, you can edit any user from ACP, and simply using a checkbox mark the user as Verified. You can also let users ask for a verification badge and manage their requests...
  3. BattleKing

    xF2 Add-on [XTR] Verified Users 1.0.5

    The add-in adds badges for verified users within registered users. Shows a list of users who have passed to verified user status on the Members page. Do not forget user permissions! .. Edit the user you specify as a verified user. You can access the list of verified users through the links...

    xF2 Add-on [MMO] Verified Badge 2.2.1

    [MMO] Verified Badge is a plugin that allows you to verify the user. When editing, the administrator sets the flag verified user or not. A check mark works throughout the forum where there is a nickname of a verified user.

    xF2 Add-on [TG] Verified Badge 1.0.2

    Adding the ability to adding a FA icon to username base on his/her groups. It works in posts, profiles,... The color of the icon will adaptive to the color of the username.