

    XF 2 Tip [cXF] Highlight new menu item

    This is a DIY tutorial to achieve this: As you can see you can get an icon that changes on hover only on new items just to highlight them a bit more. Open you extra.less template and add the code: /*** Highlight new menu item ***/...

    xF2 Add-on [TH] Topics 1.0.2 Patch Level 1

    Topics Currently, forums are limited in how they can manage content. Nodes force users to follow a specific path, tags are limited in their ability and generated by users, and when added together they make a complex organizational structure. This means users are spending time trying to find...

    xF2 Add-on AndyB New thread limit 1.7

    Limits the number of new threads based on time and forum selection. (Example of error message) (Example of Options page) Features: All phrases start with newthreadlimit_ for your convenience. Installation: Download and unzip it. Copy the...

    XF2 Style [TH] UI.X Classic

    UI.X Classic UI.X for XenForo 1 was the original flagship product from ThemeHouse/Audentio. Though the look and feel was modernized in UI.X 2, we decided to use the same colors, fonts, and general look and feel as it was back in XenForo 1. UI.X Classic has been updated with the UI.X 2 Framework...

    xF2 Add-on AndyB New thread email staff 1.3

    Sends an email to staff when a new thread is created. This is a great way for staff to be notified of a new thread as replying to new threads quickly is important. (Example of email sent) (Example of Options page) Installation: Download and unzip it. Copy...

    xF2 Add-on AndyB New content limit 1.7

    Limits the number of new threads, posts and conversations allowed to be made in a day. This is useful to prevent a spammer from creating thousands of threads, posts and conversations on your forum in a short amount of time. (Example of Options page) Installation: Download...

    xF2 Add-on New members 1.4

    Allows staff to see new members information. (Example of New members link) (Example of New members page) (Example of Option page) (Example of User group permissions) Features: Add up to two custom user fields. All phrases start with newmembers_ for your convenience. Installation...

    XF2 Style [TH] iO Dark Mode

    iO Dark Mode Create a dynamic forum with this minimalist, vibrant dark theme. With concepts from Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines, your forum will be sleek and captivating. Make iO unique with category strips that automatically change color based on your primary brand color. Built with the...

    XF2 Style [TH] Class

    More Class Features: Add appealing animations as pages load on your site. The various animations can be enabled and disabled. Group pages together in the header to make navigation easier for users. Set where you want an image to have parallax and the controls for it to add a neat effect on your...
  10. ENXF NET

    XF2 Style [TH] iO

    iO This vibrant, minimalist theme with concepts from Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines creates a professional forum that stands out. Your forum and discussions will flow with the clean and subtle design. Make iO unique with category strips that automatically change color based on your primary...
  11. ENXF NET

    xF2 Add-on New posts manager 1.0

    Description: Manages which forums are included in New posts results. This add-on allows the admin to specify which forums are automatically excluded in New Posts if the user has not viewed threads in that selected forum (e.g. a Politics forum). (Example of the Options page) Installation...
  12. ENXF NET

    XF2 Style [TH] Tactical

    More Tactical Features: Standard, floating, or sticky navigation and userbar Right to left support Dozens of different search bar and navigation position variations Collapsible nodes, sidebar, postbit,and signatures Many types of category description types (tooltip, inline, or none at all)...
  13. ENXF NET

    XF2 Style [TH] Intrepid

    Intrepid Time to launch your reality with Intrepid which offers nine different color variations. With a flat metro design which can be changed to whatever color you’d like. It can truly be used on any forum! [TH] Nodes Included! When purchasing UI.X 2, you get a free [TH] Nodes license. It is...
  14. ENXF NET

    Xenforo 2.0 New Post Button in Post

    New Post Button in Post In Xenforo 2, you can add a new topic button when reading a topic. Setup; ACP --> Template --> thread_view and find: <xf:breadcrumb source="$forum.getBreadcrumbs()" /> Replace with the code below: <xf:breadcrumb source="$forum.getBreadcrumbs()" /> <xf:pageaction...
  15. ENXF NET

    XF2 Style [TH] UI.X 2

    UI.X 2 Based off the tried-and-true methodologies of its XenForo 1 predecessor, UI.X continues to push the boundaries of intelligent design. With a basis in Google’s Material Design, the framework is backed by a team well-versed in the XenForo software making UI.X a wise choice for any forum...