
  1. DareSec

    xF2 Add-on [Andrew] Soft Deletion Requires Reason 1.0

    [Andrew] Soft Deletion Requires Reason requires moderators or admins to enter a reason when deleting a post or thread. This addon updates the reason field to "required='true'". Features: Require reason when deleting post or thread Permissions: Delete any thread or post without reason (Forum...
  2. DareSec

    xF2 Add-on [Andrew] Banned Users List 1.1.0

    [Andrew] Banned Users List provides a basic list off banned users with the following columns: User name (banned user) Ban started Ban ends (Displays "Never" if the ban is permanent) Banned by Reason

    xF2 Add-on [cXF] Hide staff, admin and moderator posts 1.0.0

    Description: Permission and forum based option to hide staff, admin and moderator posts. Features: hide staff, admin and moderator post to user groups based on permissions hidden post has a phrased notice (check phrase cxf_hideSAMposts select forums in which you want to hide posts staff, admin...

    xF2 Add-on Group membership moderators 2.2.1

    This XenForo 2.0 / 2.1 addon will make it possible to assign 'Group Moderators' to your forum. A group moderator is able to view / add / remove members from selected groups. This permission can be assigned to existing moderators as well as regular members. Features Give any member or...

    xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] Log all moderator actions 2.3.0

    This add-on will make it possible to log all moderation related actions to the log, even if the user isn't a real moderator. By default, Xenforo will only log moderator actions if the user is part of the moderators group (Groups & permissions > Staff > Moderators). Sometimes you may want to...

    xF2 Add-on Moderator Log 1.0.0

    Front end moderator log Please note that all moderator log items are displayed without checking whether the moderator has permission to view the content of the logged item. This means that if you have certain sections of your forum (such as specific threads) that are not available to all of...