

    xF2 Add-on Brivium - Modern Statistics 3.2.0

    Modern Statistics - XenForo 2 Add-on provides for you an amazing tool of statistic in your site/forum. Users could see and follow to hot trend or update the newest information on that. Modern Statistics is an intelligent function of the statistic in the forum. There are four main objects of...

    xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] Advanced Forms for XenForo 2.1+ 2.2.3

    Poll type forms are not working in XF 2.2 yet. Not sure when they will, but it's being worked on. Do not upgrade to XF 2.2 if poll type forms are detrimental to your site. Advanced Forms can be used for just about any type of form you need! Features Unlimited Form Types* Unlimited Forms*...

    xF2 Add-on AndyB Staff activity 1.9

    Description: Shows activity of Administrative and Moderating user groups. This add-on allows site owners to quickly see how active their staff members are. (Example of Staff activity link) (Example of Staff activity page) (Example of filter page) (Example of Options page) (Example of User...

    xF2 Add-on Social Groups for XenForo 2.x 2.1.33 Patch Level 1

    This is a complete, fully configurable social group system that allows for group discussions, forums, event calendars and a basic group photo album. The ability to create each section of the group is fully usergroup permissions based. So if you don't want a user group to create a photo album...

    XF2 Style Xenon - XenForo 2 Style

    INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Upload the contents of the upload directory to the root of your XenForo installation. 2. Go into your XenForo Admin Control Panel, click on Styles, and then click on "Import a Style" in the left-hand navigation list. 3. Click on the upload file field, and then...

    XF2 Style Boron - XenForo 2 Style 2.0.10

    INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Upload the contents of the upload directory to the root of your XenForo installation. 2. Go into your XenForo Admin Control Panel, click on Appearance menu, select Styles menu, and then click on "Import" in the left-hand navigation list. 3. Click on the upload file...

    XF2 Style Zinc - XenForo 2 Style

    INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Upload the contents of the upload directory to the root of your XenForo installation. 2. Go into your XenForo Admin Control Panel, click on Appearance menu, click Styles and then click on "Import a Style" in the left-hand navigation list. 3. Click on the upload file...

    xF2 Add-on Page Generation Stats and Time 1.1.1

    Description We have developed this add-on on request. It shows the current time and also the loading time, the number of queries and the memory usage. The time and stats can be shown and hidden by group permissions. Feature summary shows the current time shows loading time shows number of...

    xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] Prefix Actions 2.0.6 Patch Level 1

    This add-on adds the ability to open, close, stick or unstick threads automatically when any prefix is selected. If the original poster has permission to use a prefix, they can change the prefix at any time and the thread will be open, closed, stuck or unstuck as defined by the thread prefix...
  10. ENXF NET

    xF2 Add-on Login as User (LAU2) 1.2.7

    Administrators can log in as User X with this add-on. Login via the admin bar or via the member profile. Of course, this is only possible with the correct permission. This helps e.g. to better understand problems a user has in order to be able to help him. A link in the admin bar will allow...
  11. ENXF NET

    xF2 Add-on AndyB Attachment check 1.7

    Description: Checks for orphaned inline attachment BB Codes in messages. Runs a Cron entry every day and sends an email if any inline orphaned attachment BB Codes are found. (Example of Email sent) (Example of Options page) Features: Runs Cron every day Sends email All phrases start with...
  12. ENXF NET

    xF2 Add-on Post Limit Per Node 2.1.0

    The add-on allows setting limits on how many threads users can start and how many posts they can make in a predefined time. The number of threads and posts and the time limits are configurable from user group permissions, under Forum Permissions section. They can also be set on a per-node basis...
  13. ENXF NET

    xF2 Add-on Top Posters of the Month (TPM2) 1.4.0

    This plugin displays a selectable number of users with the most posts of the month (month and year are selectable) on a sepaerate page. New: Now also available as widget - with 3 Styles Furthermore the result can be filtered: Exclude user groups Exclude user Exclude nodes.
  14. ENXF NET

    xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] Sequential Stickies 2.0.1 Patch Level 2

    Apply desired sequence to sticky threads... This add-on does not alter any Xenforo tables and so can easily be intalled on large forums. Once installed you will see an additional input box next to the Sticky option when creating or editing a thread. You may override the default sticky thread...
  15. ENXF NET

    xF2 Add-on Ban Groups 2.1.0

    Add users to different groups depending on how they are banned. Note; does not switch groups if the user goes from perma-baanned to temp banned or vis-versa. On install, the "Add User Group on Ban" setting is copied into the new ban group settings. Options Contributing features or bug fixes...
  16. ENXF NET

    xF2 Add-on AndyB Attachment manager 1.9

    Description: Adds a line feed between each embedded attachment. This add-on improves the appearance of posts with multiple attachments. By adding a line feed between each embedded images, it makes it easier to identify each image and also makes adding a description easier for the author...
  17. ENXF NET

    xF2 Add-on [NixFifty] Gift Upgrades 2.4.3

    Features: Integrates in to the default XenForo User Upgrade system allowing upgrades and downgrades to be handled by XF itself. Integrates with XenForo's statistics system giving you a daily, weekly and monthly breakdown of gifts purchased. Integrates with XenForo's criteria system allowing you...
  18. ENXF NET

    xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] Conversation Folders 2.0.0

    Once installed, please provide desired user groups the permission 'Conversation Folders'. In addition, you may wish to change the maximum allowed number of folders. This is located in the add-on's options page. Features List: Organise your conversations by assigning them to different folders...
  19. ENXF NET

    xF2 Add-on Hide Poll Results 2.2.1

    Forum user-group based permissions to allow poll contents to be hidden. Permissions (per-forum) Hide poll results Bypass hidden poll results by self Bypass hidden poll results by all The first will give users an additional option when they are creating or editing a poll: If poll results are...
  20. ENXF NET

    xF2 Add-on AndyB Change date 2.8

    Description: The purpose of this add-on is the allow the admin to move a post within a thread. For example if you want to move post #3 to be after post #5. (Example of Change date link) (Example of Change date overlay) (Example of Options page) (Example of User group permissions) Features...