XenForo Lite -- Alternadiv

xF2 Add-on XenForo Lite -- Alternadiv 1.1.0

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alt⟨div⟩ -- peculiar, retro, and other niche XenForo shenanigans​

Alternadiv.com is where I make unusual XenForo styles that no one asked for. I do it because I enjoy experimenting with HTML/CSS and customizing XF. Also because I miss 2000s-era web design aesthetics.

This is one of those creations....

xen⟨lite⟩ ?​

XenForo Lite is, well... a lightweight, faux archive style for XenForo. I consider it faux (a lookalike) because it uses only CSS to achieve the archive vibe, as opposed to actually editing core files to create a true archive mode.

Forum ListForum ViewThread View
Forum List - Faux Archive.jpg
Forum View - Faux Archive.jpg
Thread View - Faux Archive.jpg


Because this is done only with CSS, there are no template edits aside from extra.less. This makes it easy to show/hide elements according to your needs.

Out of the box, XenForo Lite is pretty archive'd up. Almost everything from default XenForo is hidden. However, you can quickly show individual hidden elements by removing them from the editable area in extra.less as desired.


All widgets are hidden with one line of CSS. If you have some widgets that you want to hide but some that you want to display, remove [data-widget-id] and replace with [data-widget-id="X"]. Put the ID of the widget you want to hide in place of X. Repeat for all widgets you want to hide.


XenForo Styles Demo | Alternadiv.com​

Live previews of XenForo styles designed by Alternadiv.com

that's⟨all⟩ !​

That's all! Let me know if you need help hiding or showing something.
  • BB Code - Faux Archive.jpg
    BB Code - Faux Archive.jpg
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  • Article Forum - Faux Archive.jpg
    Article Forum - Faux Archive.jpg
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  • Article Thread - Faux Archive.jpg
    Article Thread - Faux Archive.jpg
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