1.15.5 - Bugfix update
- Fix "Banned emails must be unique. The specified banned email is already in use" occurring when banning the same email domain multiple times in the same approval run
- Adjust various "ASN related phrases to be more consistent
- Update link to team-cymru's ip to ASN mapping service
- Fix spam-check for account details page would check non-editable custom fields and custom fields not on that page
1.15.3 - Bugfix & feature update
- Fix error blocking a user editing their account details when spam checking was required, and a custom field had been set on their profile and then the custom field was deleted.
1.15.2 - Bugfix & maintainance update
- Fix some options where not fully phrased
- Fix detection method "ip and cookie" would not work correctly when email link/api switch was detected
- Spam-check custom fields, website and location when editing account details
- This was done at signup but not when editing account details
1.15.1 - Maintainance update
- Fix setting up tor detection configuration on new install
- It was adding a "1" to the server field, which was causing a redundant DNS lookup which should fail
- Update Tor scoring to support non-numeric scoring (ie explicit reject/moderate/add-to-group/none)
- For new installs, enable "Show Detection Methods" option by default.
- This option will likely be removed in future releases and always enabled
getipintel integration & shared hosting
- On install, only enable getipintel if the "Contact email address" option is a valid email address
- Better handle when getipintel rate-limit is being applied to avoid server IP bans
The getipintel feature has a 500 queries per day limit on the free plan.
When using shared hosting, this include XenForo Cloud, you may receive the following error:
[SignupAbuseBlocking] Server appears banned from https://getipintel.net/, disabling getipintel option
If this happens, you can contact getipintel for information about a paid plan. Re-enabling the integration using the free plan may result in further (and longer lasting) IP bans from this service.
1.15.0 - Feature update
- Require Standard Library by Xon v1.18.0+.
- Fix "Allowed email domains" admincp page didn't assert a specific admin permission
- Fix warning being logged when viewing Signup Abuse blocking options & Content Title history add-on is enabled
- Detect multi-account usage for api-token logins (exposed via Frictionless Login 3rd party add-on)
- Update default ASN block lists, this does not affect existing sites.
- Ensure https://getipintel.com API integration is configured by default.
- For existing installs; If this feature has been explicitly turned off, it will not be enabled.
- Ensure various permissions are assigned to the stock admin group:
- [SignupAbuse] Banning email domains
- [SignupAbuse] Banning ASN
- [SignupAbuse] Approving email domains
- Add "Anti-Spam" navigation group under the user block in the admincp, with an updatable list of anti-spam related options.
- Add new "Manage anti-spam" admin permission, automatically assigned to users with "options", which controls managing the above anti-spam options.
- Add expiry & ban reason when banning users via batch user update
- Add "Enable open port scan feature" option. This is default disabled, for sites using this feature it must be explicitly enabled
- Fix detection of per-user email links being touched by the wrong user did not generate multi-account reports
- Require Standard Library by Xon v1.18.0+
- Fix uninstaller leaving behind some cached data
- Use php 7.2 typehinting in more locations
- Add "Multi-account registration mode - specific permissions" option to trigger the "Multi-account registration mode - specific" action when the detected multi-account has been explicitly allowed/denied per-user permissions
- Require Standard Library by Xon v1.17.0+
- Uses standardized route building to avoid conflicts with other 3rd party add-ons
- Add specific message in the thread view for why a user can't reply to a thread when the per-day limit has been reached
- Require php 7.2+
- Fix score-based option did not correctly show the hint/explain text in admincp
- Move "Non-allowed email action" option into "Connection Profiling - Passive" group
- Extend "Writing before registering" spam-checks to use add-on's scoring system, with defaults to moderate if the linked content is moderated or rejected (XF default)
- Add "[SignupAbuse] Limit user to replies per day" per-forum user-froup permission
- Limit a member (not guest!) to X replies/new-threads per-day (ie the last 24 hours)
- 0 or -1 mean no limit
- Does not apply to users with "Manage any thread" permission
- When multi-account report creator validation fails, log an error to help diagnose why
1.10.7 - Bugfix update
- Fix caching not occurring for external API calls if a caching provider is not setup
- Fix "Undefined offset: 2" from ASN resolver attempting to extract a country when using non-Team Cymru/Ripe ASN providers.
- Guard against add-ons which incorrectly implement XenForo Entities or content types when generating a list of content-types for the options;
This is known to affect add-ons by the Vault Wiki author who refuse to implement core XenForo functionality correctly
- Approval queue - skip click-to-shrink
- Link Spam checker: Default action (by content type)
1.10.6 - Bugfix update
- Fix migrating add-on multi-accounts records from XF 1.x 'alter ego detector' records
- Fix ipregistery asn lookup support
- Report GeoIP/ASN API errors to the XF error log and do not swallow them
- Fix ipregistry.co support
- Fix bad links to known email providers in the approval queue
- Fix "Ban ASN" option not appearing in approval queue
1.10.3 - Bugfix update
- Use ipStack/ipApi/ipregistry geo/asn providers if configured over cloudflare/Cymru
- Fix ASN lookup for ipApi/ipregistry
- Fix "Ban ASN" feature (ErrorException: Job XF:ApprovalQueueProcess: [E_WARNING] preg_match_all(): Unknown modifier '/')
1.10.2 - Feature update
- On display of registration logs, correctly encode URLs.
- Compatibility fix with New Registration Email add-on
1.9.8 - Bugfix update
- Add php7 typehinting (partial)
- Add short caching to DNS querys lookups for ASN resolving
- Support using Cymru country lookup as a last ditch geoip lookup
- Add new GeoIP lookups, most require paid accounts or limited free services
- Add support for ipstack.com for geoip/asn service. This service requires an account for the geoip, and a paid account for the asn lookup service
- Add support for ip-api.com for geoip/asn service. This service requires an account for the geoip, and a paid account for the asn lookup service
- Add support for ipregistry.co for geoip/asn service. This service requires an account, with a free tier and then requiring payment
- Update GetIpIntel "private ip" error text to indiciate this can also be due to BGP hijacking
- In user registration log, render IP's as links to ip-lookup tool
- In user registration log, render ASN's as links to peeringdb.com to describe the ISP/network provider
- Support setting a per-content type default for spam link check rendering
- Fix php 8.1 compatibility, with csv export