[OzzModz] Advanced Forms for XenForo 2.1+

xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] Advanced Forms for XenForo 2.1+ 2.2.3

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New features:

  • Added option to set question as read only
  • Show description below a header phrase question type
  • Question option: min checked checkboxes limit
  • Avoid call on null errors on adding default questions
Thanks to @stromb0li for sponsoring this update
2.2.2 Patch Level 1:

  • Fixed "column 'regex' can't have a default value" error on add-on upgrade with strict MySQL mode enabled
  • Fixed broken conditionals display for forms used as "thread quick reply"
  • Fixed broken form submit counters reset
[OzzModz] Advanced Forms for XenForo for XenForo 2.2+ Update 2.2.2

New features:

  • Added form option to redirect an email report based on question answer
  • Added form option to upload attachments to report emails
  • Extended max length for question regex
  • Added a question option to filter allowed forums for "Single selection forum list" questions
  • Fixed forum import error (column without default value)
  • Fix: hide delete & add questions button on a form add page
Thanks to @stromb0li for sponsoring this update.

[OzzModz] Advanced Forms for XenForo for XenForo 2.2+ Update 2.2.1

  • Added constraints for date question (any, date in the future, date in the past)
  • Added conditionals for datetime questions (must be later/earlier than conditional question)
  • Added new question types: datetime picker, time selection input
  • Added question option to respect the user's timezone in a report message (date, datetime & time questions)
  • Minor code refactor & cleanup

Thanks to @hello2029 for sponsoring this update
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Reactions: BattleKing
2.2.0 Release Candidate 5:

  • Fixed broken layout on form submit log
  • Added public page to view submit & answer logs
  • Added preview button for WISYWIG questions BB-code editor (disabled by default in add-on options)
2.2.0 Release Candidate 4:
  • Fix: Second conditional for "yes/no" questions does not work
  • Fix: default value for xf_user snog_forms column
  • Fix: properly render user criteria to avoid conflicts
  • Feature: thread report forum selection based on "Single selection forum list" question answer
  • Fix: "Quick reply option button" option doesn't create posts
  • Fix: "Attempted to set 'hasconditional' on a deleted entity" error while deleting master question with conditionals
  • Fix: don't handle "Agreement" question type error if checkbox is not shown
  • Fix: missing import in src/addons/Snog/Forms/XF/Pub/Controller/Attachment.php:24
Now That Ive got your attention:
This is a beta release, take a full backup before installing on a production site. Optimally try it out on a test site that is a replication of your live site before installing on the live site. It has had limited testing.

  • Updated league/csv library to support PHP 8.1
  • Now requires min PHP 7.4.x version to CSV export
Now That Ive got your attention:
This is a beta release, take a full backup before installing on a production site. Optimally try it out on a test site that is a replication of your live site before installing on the live site. It has had limited testing.

  • Fix: Type & form criteria now work as described
  • Fix: Report thread visibility is not forced (may go to the approval queue even if "Require approval" is unchecked)
  • Fix: Conversation user is null on form approval/deny
Now That Ive got your attention:
This is a beta release, take a full backup before installing on a production site. Optimally try it out on a test site that is a replication of your live site before installing on the live site. It has had limited testing.

Fix: ensure the PC sender is exists on form approval/deny
Fix: "Publicly visible" checkbox is always unchecked
Now That Ive got your attention:

- Added checks to avoid poll creation on forums where is not available poll thread type.
Now That Ive got your attention:

Fixed undefined variable $warnings error in src/addons/Snog/Forms/Callbacks/Expected.php:92
Now That Ive got your attention:

Fixed XML import from older versions