Mood Icons v2

Unmaintained Mood Icons v2 v2

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Summary:There are 242 moods now consisting in the mood v2 pack in .png format so they'll look good on any coloured background, and the amount in this pack ensures we have catered for everybody's needs when it comes to enhancing your site and what mood your in.

Since this is an ongoing project the mood icons are always being expanded upon so I'm always open to suggestions for new mood icons to be added and you can make a suggestion for more moods to be included. So if your wanting something specific you really need to suggest which you can do in this thread.

Important Notes: There are icons in this pack that contain some adult natured Icons that some people might consider offensive, or rude simply ignore or remove from the pack like i said we cater for everyone.
Format: .Png

Install Notes: Transfer the mood icons and upload them into the styles/default/xenmoods Once you've uploaded the mood icons you'll have to manually add the mood icons that are present in the v2 pack that weren't in the v1 pack or you can use the SQL File (in attachment) with the directions on how to install those (Below).

Additional Install Notes: If the mood icons aren't displaying when you select them in your overlay (mood chooser). Log in to Admincp >> Moods and then in the mood listings edit any mood, do nothing and simply save and they should then all display.

SQL File Included: If you don't want to manually add each mood you can use the SQL file included which you can download via the attachment system. The screenshot below really is self explanatory but you'll have to venture into cpanel >> phpmyadmin and delete the xf_mood table.
The SQL File for the Mood Icons can be found downloaded here

Conditions of use:
This pack may be used on Xenforo forums only, but cannot be redistributed or repackaged in any way shape or form for any reason without prior consent of the author.
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