It shows a notice to the moderator when there are post denounced or to approve

vBulletin 5.x.x It shows a notice to the moderator when there are post denounced or to approve 1.1

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First I want to apologize for my English because I use the google translator.The reason I made the product is that by default you only receive notifications in a general way, this add-on will directly direct you to the topic to moderate. The function is to show a warning to the administrator and moderators, when there is a post denounced or needs approval to be posted. It shows the warning as well as the total number. Once moderated the themes disappear from the administration bar. I am not an expert on this, so if you find some way to improve it please comment. You can change the colors, position of the icons
I have added new features.Now you can choose
1º Enable the product.
2º Show the name
3ºShow the total of post to moderate
4ºMostar the icon.You can choose all or the ones you need.
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